October Highlights |
October at Benmore Botanic Garden
The main areas to enjoy autumn colour are the Younger Memorial Walk, approaches to Benmore House and borders around the pond.
October at Kinlochlaich
The first frost might have come, certainly some colder nights and autumn colouring staging its late glory. Best and most well known are the maples, especially thoase from Japan: crimson Osakazuki, scarlet Shiroswanum, yellow Senaki, orange and red dissectums and probably the most colour from any shrub, the enkianthus sp. Displaying yellow, orange and red coloured leaves along with neat bunches of seed. The wandering scent of burnt sugar may be wafting through the garden if you have cercidiphyllum planted.
The barks of Tibetan cherry, birches and dogwoods beginning to enhance the autumn displays. All the berries on the many varieties of cotoneaster, berberis and elders in fruit, along with crab apple and the rowans with many differing colours of berry and foliage of which the best include ’Joseph Rock’, vilmorinii, cashmeriana and ’Orange Queen’. Then there are the deciduous spindles, with intense leaf colour and such attractive seeds in maroon with the orange seeds handing down on opening.
This is the season as leaves fall and herbaceous plants die back for the conifer in so many varieties to come into prominence along with evergreen shrubs, noticeably the varieties of holly, rhododendrons with with handsome leaves and with indumentum underside. Sumachs and cotinus add to the show. |